September 27, 2011

Ottawa Street Sidewalk Sale!

We were at the Ottawa Street Sidewalk Sale this past weekend. It's so amazing to see the excitement and movement that is happening on Ottawa Street! The weather was great, and we got to meet this little one - our new Sweet Ice ambassador!

Last week we were at another really great event on Ottawa Street - the Sew Hungry food truck rally. Basically, a whole bunch of local food trucks line up on the street over lunch time, and you can just take your pick. We might participate next year, if our trailer is finished, but this year we just went and indulged in delicious food!
More pictures of the food truck rally here and here. If you haven't been to Ottawa Street, you're missing out on a great area of this city. Take a trip over there, and check out some of the shops and restaurants!

September 20, 2011

Open Streets

Sweet Ice took part in Open Streets on Saturday. What a great event! Basically, they close down James St, and people can just meander through the street at their own pace. There was a really diverse crowd, and it just seemed that everyone was in the best mood possible. We got to make some lovely new friends, including a carrot!

September 16, 2011

Whoa, It's Us!

We were featured on TWO AWESOME BLOGS last week! First, Happening Hamilton - thanks so much to dear Katie Shoreman for the post; your words were WAY too sweet! Favorite quote: 'How can you choose just one? Well, that's why I ended up having four!' And it's true, she was double-fisting snow cones all evening. Thanks again, Katie! Can't wait to see you tear it up on the dance floor!
*Update: She really did dance up a storm. Proof here.

Second, the Love It A Lot blog, brought to you by the amazing ladies at White Elephant! Jane just wrote the sweetest things - we were blushing when we read it! It's actually such an honor to be loved by people who are doing such amazing things in this city. Thanks guys!

September 13, 2011


Oh goodness. Supercrawl is amazing! What a crazy day!
We had a great time at our booth, and got to meet so many wonderful people. Our flavors were a total hit, and we sold out just as the night was wrapping up. We’re so grateful for all the support and positive feedback we got, and we felt so honored to be part of such an incredible event. It seems like everyone is feeling really proud to be part of Hamilton right about now. I think it'll take all of us a few days to come down from this city-high we've got going on...
You can find more Sweet Ice Supercrawl pictures here! And for pictures of the rest of the event, you can look here, here, and here, just to start! 
We’ll be at Open Streets this weekend, so maybe we’ll see you there!
(photo credit: Jubilee Creative)

September 6, 2011

Bennett's = Fruit Heaven

Went to Bennett’s this past weekend to pick up all our fruit for Supercrawl! Bennett’s does an amazing job of sourcing local farmers and providing fresh fruit from local farms when it’s in season. They also grow a lot of their own items (apples, corn, squash, etc), and make the MOST AMAZING apple cider. Make way for the apple cider snow cone, Hamilton!